
Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Kewaunee County Sales Tax Meeting - Monday, August 29th 6:30 P.M. Luxemburg Fairgrounds Expo Bldg

As you are already aware, the Kewaunee County Board is attempting to pass a 1/2% Sales Tax in the county without having the public weighing in on the matter. At the August 16th board meeting a motion was made from the floor to refer the approval of a sales tax to a referendum, thus allowing the taxpayers of Kewaunee County the ability to weigh in on the issue.  The vote ended with five members of the board in favor of sending the issue to referendum with 14 of the board members voting against the motion.  Here is the way the vote ended. 

Those supervisors who believe the taxpayers should have a say:
Chris Rasmussen, Dennis Cravillion, Doug Doell, Scott Jahnke and Kaye Shillin

Those supervisors who believe they have the right to impose this tax without the taxpayers having a  voice:

Lee Luft, Bob Weidner, Pat Benes, Virginia Haske, Larry Kirchman, John Mastalir, Gerald Paape, John Pagel, Tom Romdenne, Ron Paider, Linda Sinkula, Linda Teske, Donna Thomas and Charles Wagner  (There are 20 board members, however Mary Dobbins was absent, not present for the vote)

Those supervisors that voted to bypass the taxpayers will tell you there are going to be meetings set up for taxpayer input, the first of those meetings will be on August 29th at 6:30 PM.  I have embedded the announcement of that meeting here, and attached the official notice as a PDF......Note, although this upcoming meeting allegedly set to solicit input from the taxpayers as to whether or not to go to referendum, there is no mention of referendum in the official release. 

According to a phone conversation I had with the Administrator Scott Feldt on Aug 23rd, Mr. Weidner, the County Board Chairman had been informed by Mr. Feldt that the County would not be in financial difficulty for FY 2017 without the 1/2% sales tax.  That tidbit of information was not revealed to the board by Chairman Weidner.  Why not?  Your guess is as good as mine.  So the question should then be why the rush to impose yet another tax on the taxpayers of the county?

Attend the 8/29 Monday 6:30 PM meeting in Luxemburg and let your voice be heard in this matter! 

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