
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Vote Representative Joel Kitchens November 8th


The Oct 2015 article below tells you a lot about Lynn Utesch, a Democrat, who is running against Joel Kitchens for the 1st Assembly District.  

This is a person you do not want in the assembly!  Lynn Utesch is a typical Democrat that says “do as I say, not as I do”.  Lying, distorting the truth, obfuscating are daily activity for Mr. Utesch.  Oh, and by the way, Nancy Utesch, his wife is of the same caliber. They are deserving of each other.

Lynn and Nancy are the folks that migrated to Kewaunee County, Nancy from Illinois met Lynn on Washington Island where the couple was involved in environmental movements.  After coming to Kewaunee County, they initiated the Kewaunee Cares group.  Yes, these are the same folks that have been obfuscating the real facts about well contamination in our county.  And yes, the same folks that, as a result of their false reporting of well contamination through the last couple of years have driven down the price of our homes in the county.

As you read this article, you get a sense of how these two Democrats relay how they are entitled and above the law.  LYNN UTESCH IS NOT THE MAN YOU WANT IN MADISON REPRESENTING THIS AREA!  

Lynn & Nancy Utesch 



A Wisconsin farming couple that leads an anti-dairy farmer campaign and recently won a friend-of-the-environment award was investigated by the state for complaints that they allowed their cattle to contaminate a wetland.

The agency had received “multiple complaints” against Lynn and Nancy Utesch, according to state Department of Natural Resources records.

Nancy Utesch, who owns a beef farm with her husband in the Town of Pierce in Kewaunee County, initially refused to allow inspectors to check the full property, the documents show.

The most recent complaint, received by the county Land and Water Conservation Department on April 14, was “for cattle having full access to waters of the state, resulting in direct discharges to the waters...”
Investigators met heavy resistance when they suggested they would need to examine other parts of the 150-acre farm that might contribute to manure running into the wetland.

Nancy Utesch “was adamant that (the DNR) would not be able to inspect the farm” until she got more information about the complaint, according to an April 22 email from the DNR inspector.

The inspector told Utesch that “the purpose was to determine compliance with state runoff rules.”
Inspectors were able to examine the property nearly 10 days after the complaint and were unable to identify direct discharge.

Under the umbrella of the activist group Kewaunee Cares, the Utesches repeatedly have attacked farmers with large-scale dairies. They and fellow activists from outside the state point to complaints made against farms, even though some of the complaints are unfounded.

The couple also points to voluntary and limited well tests as evidence that 30 percent of the private drinking wells in the county are unsuitable for use.

In reality, only 620 of the county’s 4,600 wells (13 percent) have been tested during the past decade, according to county officials. Of those, 180 (4 percent) were found to have elevated levels of unsafe substances. How much of those substances come from septic systems, farms and other sources has not been fully determined.

Here is another story you may want to read that concerns the Uteschs.

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