
Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Weidner- County Board Chairman for next two years

I attended the County Board Organizational meeting on April 24th, where Bob Weidner was elected once again as Chairman for the next two years.  There was no opposition to his seeking another term.  It was rumored that Lee Luft was going to make a run at it, but I think at the last minute when he was counting his probable votes he decided it would have been futile.

All in, this is a fairly conservative leaning Board.  I was very pleased to see that Chairman Weidner showed some steel when making his Committee appointments and voicing the idea that the Chairman should be the spokesperson for the Kewaunee County Board of Supervisors.

In addition to election of the Chairman, Gary Paape was elected as the Vice-Chairperson. Once those two positions were filled, a couple of quick motions were made and approved allowing the Chairman to appoint the Highway/Solid Waste Committee and the Human Services Chairman without having the board to vote on those positions.  The Board then went into recess allowing the Chairman to visit with all the members of the board in finalizing his appointments for the Committees.  Once the committees were set by the Chairman, a full vote of the Board unanimously approved the committee appointments.

Following are the Kewaunee County Board Standing Committees:

Extension Education & Zoning Committee
Chairman:     Tom Romdenne
                      Charles Wagner
                      Gary Paape
                      Mary Ellen Dobbins

Finance & Public Property Committee
Chairman:     Virginia Haske
                      Lee Luft
                      Tom Romdenne
                      Dan Olson
                      John Mastalir

Health, Veteran Service & Child Support Committee
Chairman:     Mary Ellen Dobbins
                      Kaye Shillan
                      Linda J. Teske
                      Kim Kroll
                      Virginia Haske
                      (When this Committee meets, as a Health Committee, Dr. Stephen Shopbell shall be a                            member)

Highway/Solid Waste Commitee
Chairman:     Gary Paape
                      Tom Romdenne
                      John Mastalir
                      Cory Cochart
                      Thomas Cretney

Human Services Committee
Chairman:     Kaye Shillin
                      Mary Ellen Dobbins
                      Virginia Haske
                      Lee Luft
                      Linda J. Teske
                      Kent Treml

H.S. Aging Advisory Committee
                      Kaye Shillin
                      Linda J. Teske

Land & Water Conservation Committee
Chairman:     Charles Wagner
                      Gary Paape
                      Lee Luft
                      Aaron Augustian

Law Enforcement, Emergency Management Committee
Chairman:     John Mastalir
                      Scott Jahnke
                      Charles Schmitt
                      Doug Doell
                      Joseph Lukes
                     (When this Committee meets, as an Emergency Management Committee, the Board Chairman shall be a member as per WI Statutes 166.03(4)

Personnel, Advisory & Legislative Committee
Chairman:     Bob Weidner
                      Tom Romdenne
                      Virginia Haske
                      Mary Ellen Dobbins
                      Gary Paape
                      Kaye Shillin
                      Charles Wagner
                      John Mastalir
                      Scott Jahnke

Promotion & Recreation Committee
Chairman:     Scott Jahnke
                      Doug Doell
                      Kim Kroll
                      Cory Cochart
                      Thomas Cretney

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