Well, at the time we were waging the war with a local developer (who later sold to the Canadians), we sited all the horrible truths about the worthless wind option to include; billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize this industry. For without subsidy they don't exist, it's not a viable business.
There were many issues of complaint concerning the idea of placing wind turbines here, but one of the biggest issues was the idea of decommissioning. Who's going to be stuck with the bill on this? Were adequate monetary accruals going to be made by the company to ensure the neighborhood wouldn't be stuck with taking those worthless machines down later? Although the company struggled to provide answers on that issue, they never adequately provided any security that made sense.
Quite honestly, we had no idea of the total costs of decommissioning nor the issues surrounding it.
Here is a good AP article on an issue we never even addressed at the time because we didn't understand or foresee it.

In this Nov. 5, 2019, photo, a worker monitors a hub replacement from atop a wind turbine in Walnut, Iowa. MidAmerican Energy's wind farm in Walnut, Iowa, has started repowering turbines, some of which have had their original blades since 2004. Blades can weigh up to 11,500 pounds.
WALNUT, Iowa — At a
western Iowa wind farm, a demolition crew saws through red slashes marked on
120-foot turbine blades, cutting them into thirds before stuffing the thinnest
piece inside the base's hollow cavity, giving workers room to load more blades
onto a flatbed trailer.
The work is part of MidAmerican Energy's efforts to
"repower" nearly 110 turbines, updating existing towers with longer
blades, new hubs and refurbished generators. When the work is done, the wind
farm will generate nearly 20% more energy, MidAmerican says.
But the upgrades for Iowa's growing wind industry, which is
already among the nation's largest, are creating some unexpected challenges.
MidAmerican's retired blades, destined for the Butler County
Landfill near David City, Nebraska, about 130 miles away, are among hundreds
that will land in dumps across Iowa and the nation. Critics of wind energy say
the blades' march to a landfill weakens the industry's claim it's an
environmentally friendly source of energy.
"This clean, green energy is not so clean and not so
green," says Julie Kuntz, who opposes a Worth County wind project.
"It's just more waste going in our landfills."
Daniel Laird, a U.S. Department of Energy researcher, told The
Des Moines Register that most of a turbine can be recycled, including "a
lot of metal — steel and copper."
He acknowledges, though, that disposing of the blades is a
challenge. Wind energy generation, now topping 100 gigawatts nationally, will
create 1 million tons of fiberglass and other composite waste, said Laird,
director of the National Wind Technology Center at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory in Colorado.
"The scale of the issue is quite large," said Laird,
whose group is working to develop new blade materials that will enable reuse.
"It's quite a bit of material. And it's a larger sustainability issue. We
would like everything that's manufactured to be reusable or recyclable."
Disposing of turbine blades is an issue that will likely linger
for years in Iowa. Large, investor-owned Iowa utilities are investing heavily
in wind energy as well as replacing blades to extend the life of older
MidAmerican will have spent $11.6 billion on wind from 2004
through this year, and Alliant Energy is spending $2.4 billion to build wind
farms in Iowa. Iowa had 5,073 turbines last year, seven times more than in
2004, data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration show.
Kerri Johannsen, the Iowa Environmental Council's energy program
director, said more recycling solutions are needed. But, she added, it's not a
reason to "turn away from wind energy — a solution that can help mitigate
the most dangerous threats from climate change."
With older wind farms getting a power face-lift, Iowa landfills
are just beginning to accept unwanted blades for disposal.
Landfill operators thought the composite blades, cut in 40-foot
or larger sections, could be readily crushed and compacted. "But blades
are so strong — because they need to be strong to do their job — they just
don't break," said Amie Davidson, an Iowa Department of Natural Resources
solid waste supervisor.
"Sometimes pieces fly off and damage equipment" in the
compacting process, she said. "Landfills are really struggling to manage
them, and they just decide they can't accept them."
So far, only one facility in north Iowa is taking the blades,
while other landfills are assessing whether they will.
Bill Rowland, president of the Iowa Society of Solid Waste
Operations, said he's unsure "we as a society" considered what would
happen to the blades as older turbines are repowered.
"There wasn’t a plan in place to say, 'How are we going to
recycle these?' 'How are we going to reduce the impact on landfills?'"
said Rowland, director of the Landfill of North Iowa near Clear Lake.
"One way or another, we have to deal with it as a state.
They've been promoted. They’ve been built," he said. "In our opinion,
there needs to be a way to handle the waste that’s derived from them."
The difficulty in reusing blades adds to the complaints
opponents make against wind energy. Some who live near the turbines complain
that low-frequency noise and light flickering from the blades make them ill.
And the spinning blades can kill migrating birds and bats.
Blade disposal is "just one of many factors we're concerned
about," said Kuntz, the Worth County wind farm opponent.
Des Moines-based MidAmerican, which began building its own wind
farm in 2004, said it relies on wind turbine manufacturers — who then hire
contractors — to decide how best to dispose of old blades, hubs and electronics
in the nacelles.
When it started investing in wind, the utility believed a blade
recycling option would emerge. "Thus far, it hasn't," said Geoff
Greenwood, a spokesman for MidAmerican, adding that the company is talking with
other wind developers that may be interested in using the blades for their own
In South Dakota, Donny Kuper, superintendent of the Sioux Falls
Sanitary Landfill, said the landfill created new requirements for accepting
turbine blades after studying how much space 100 blades from an Iowa wind farm
took up.
Concerned that accommodating the massive pieces will shorten the
life of the landfill, Kuper said, the operation will require the blades to be
cut up in smaller pieces so that they can be compacted like other waste.
That should make it easier and safer for Kuper's crew to manage
the blades, one of which got caught in a 120,000-pound compactor wheel. It flew
up and broke the machine's windshield, idling the $900,000 piece of equipment
for a week.
"There's definitely risk involved," Kuper said.
"The blades themselves are pretty slick, so compactors can get on top of a
blade and slip off. It's not happened to us, but I've heard it happened in
other landfills, where a compactor has tipped over."
The Waste Management facility near Lake Mills in north Iowa is
accepting the blades, but its workers are "shearing" them — or
cutting them into smaller pieces, said Julie Ketchum, a Waste Management
The facility takes in about six blades a day, or the equivalent
of two wind turbines, she said.
DNR's Davidson said other landfills are discussing whether they
can accept the blades. One of the issues that has emerged is who should be
responsible for cutting the turbines into smaller pieces, she said.
"We can't make anybody take a waste," so it's up to
individual landfills to decide if they will accept blades, she said.
Davidson said she's unsure whether many recycling options are
available. DOE's Laird said most uses involve cutting up the material and using
the pieces in other products. But it's still unclear whether that's financially
viable over the long term.
Global Fiberglass Solutions of Bothell, Washington, says it
recycles wind turbines, planes, boats and other fiberglass products in Newton,
Iowa, and Sweetwater, Texas. The company didn't return calls asking for more
information, but says on its website it uses recycled fiberglass to make other
The problem with recycling blades, Laird said, is that there is
no easy way to separate the materials used to make it.
Using food analogies, he said some materials in the blades are
like a fried egg. Once they're cooked, they can't be changed. If those
materials were more like chocolate, they could be melted, reformed and used to
make something else.
His team is working to see if blades can be manufactured
differently, maintaining their toughness while allowing for reuse when they've
done their job. The blades must be able to last 30 years under stressful
"The blade manufacturing process is sensitive to
changes," Laird said. "It could throw off the whole manufacturing
MidAmerican's Greenwood says the utility plans to spend $2.3
billion to repower 1,215 turbines across the state through 2022.
Consumers will pay none of the wind costs, Greenwood said. In
fact, MidAmerican has said the utility will receive about $10 billion in
federal production tax credits for the investment, covering the capital costs
needed to build the wind farms.
MidAmerican Energy has set a goal to create as much energy from
wind as its 770,000 Iowa electric customers use over a year. So far, it's
reached about 50%.
Despite the big investment, coal is still Iowa's largest source
of energy to produce electricity, followed by wind and other renewable energy
and natural gas. Iowa gets 34% of its electricity from wind, the second-largest
proportion in the nation after Kansas at 36%.
Michael McCoy, executive director of the Metro Waste Authority
in Des Moines, said Iowa needs to figure out how best to recycle the blades,
given wind energy's growing presence in Iowa.
"Whether it's blades or tires, we'd rather see materials
recycled. But you've got to have an end market for that, and I'm not sure"
there is one, said McCoy, whose operation is beginning to discuss if it would
take blades.
"I'd be interested in finding out if they can be grinded
... but a grinder would have to be massive. The question would be: 'At what
cost?'" McCoy said, adding that he would like to bring utility executives,
landfill operators, researchers and other leaders together to discuss ways to
recycle the blades.
It's a process Metro Waste Authority tackled when a company that
recycles construction and demolition waste closed, leaving mountains of unprocessed
Frank Peters, an Iowa State University associate professor of
industrial and manufacturing systems engineering, said graduate students looked
at whether chopped-up blades could replace gravel in making concrete. But it
wasn't financially viable, given how much energy was needed to process the
"Unless there's a better solution, they are going to get
landfilled," Peters said. "But if you look at the total economic and
environmental costs of reprocessing that blade, landfilling may be the best
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