
Tuesday, November 12, 2024

 November 6th was a great day for Wisconsin and our beautiful Country. Donald Trump won the election for President and he also won the popular vote. One could almost hear the exhale of millions of people who were praying we wouldn't have more years of Obama as, we all are aware he was pulling the strings behind the incompetent Biden/Harris administration.

I am writing this article on Nov 12, now Trump has the mandate from the people, he has a GOP controlled Senate and House.  He now must make hay as the sun is definitely shining on him now. What is amazing to me is that the Democrats don't seem to be getting it. They are making all sorts of excuses for losing the Presidential race and are not facing the reality that the public is not buying what they are selling.

Our next big election is for the WI Supreme Court and it will be a squeaker again I am sure.  That will be on April 1, and now the work begins.

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